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Initial visit with evaluation and treatment125$

60 min treatment100$

Myofascial release is a safe, gently, hands on treatment providing sustained pressure directly on the skin to engage the fascial system. Fascia is known as the connective tissue that spreads as a web from the top of your head to the tips of your toes to the ends of your finger tips and between every fiber and cell of your being.  The goal of this body treatment is to reduce restrictions and allow for rehydration of the ground substance within the fascia. Restrictions can occur due to repeat use/poor posture, trauma from injury, stress, inflammation, or surgery.  Addressing these restrictions will help you experience reduced pain, improved postural alignment, increased flexibility, improved participation in daily activities and overall wellbeing!  Release that which does not serve you!

Treatments are provided in a private, welcoming environment, free of judgement.  Arrive in comfortable loose clothing i.e shorts with a stretchy waist, a sports bra or loose tank is appropriate as it allows for direct contact with the skin during this treatment.  You will leave feeling a shift both physically and mentally.  With regular treatments clients experience letting go of old holding patterns to make space for new, functional, and healthy patterns which can have a profound effect on you as a whole. 

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